Deadline times: Kulturlabor Trial&Error e.V. is working on project application "sustainABILITY: tools for empowerment of selforganised youth groups and collectives"!
Together with old and new partners-in-crime: Radi Vidi Pats (Latvia), Ye too ponese (Spain), GreenRope (Italy), Non-state private cultural and educational institution studio "Karas" (Belorus) and friends from Ukraine and Sebia! We are still open for 1 Germany based organisation, fitting the profile, to join the team!
The main aim of the project is to overcome geographical and economical borders in order to rise the quality of youth work in geographic European space by exploring, evaluating and sharing the knowledge and skills of youth empowerment in self-organised youth collectives. The focus points of this training course are self-organisation, horisontal structures, grassroute and bottom-up approach, methods of non-formal education as well as equal chances and social inclusion. Program will explore following aspects: volunteer management, financial structures, communication resources. It will be 8 days training course with 38 youth workers from 7 different countries
In case of approval, the project will take place in Brandemburg, Germany in March 2017.
More about "sustainABILITY" concept: check out the documentation of training course "SustianABILIY: sustainable management of self-organised youth collectives" - https://issuu.com/trial-e…/…/sustainability_tc_documentation
More about the ERASMUS+ program:
The Program Guide http://ec.europa.eu/…/r…/erasmus-plus-programme-guide_en.pdf