6 young people devoted themselves for 5 days of workshops, crafting and performing Forum theatre performance "What democracy means for me?" at Haus International Landshut 15-21.11. Scenes revolved around daily social situations and created characters illustrated personas that most strongly experience diversity in democratic society. Participants during workshops interviewed pass-by citizens to build real life situations, did a lot of group and individual research on the topic, worked on group dynamics.
In performance audience could witness the absurdity of some bureaucratic realities, explore power positions, rethink of family structures. Through forum theatre method scenes were deconstructed by audience and played again until there were common understanding of democratic approach taking place.
Today when the democratic legitimacy of the EU is questioned, there is a substantial need to cultivate a culture of democratic participation among youth, to inspire them to make their voices heard and change their future, to encourage active citizenship, social cohesion and a sense of belonging to the EU. The project – The Price of Freedom and Democracy – aims to inform youth born after 1989 of the exploitations and manipulations of democratic practices of totalitarian regimes and the repressions on dissidents and the intellectual and artistic milieus, committed by the regimes in 6 EU Member States (BG, DE, PL, LT, RO, CZ). By using different mediums – cinema, history tours, workshops, theatre performances and video installations, the project will foster a common culture of remembrance by recreating the past and reflecting on the reality of societal distortion and the violations of civil rights and human liberties in the post-communist countries.
The goal of the project is to strengthen the understanding and action for democracy and civil rights, to involve young people in the democratic life of their communities, to promote their well-being and enhance their contribution to more peaceful and inclusive societies. The foreseen educational and participatory activities will contribute to a deeper understanding of the history and values of the EU, will raise awareness on contemporary democratic achievements, encourage youth civic participation through various NFIL methods and stimulate a European dialogue among youth on ways to preserve the democratic future of Europe.
The final international exhibition will spread the PFD messages to the wider public, particularly youth, to inspire them to promote common European values and to contribute to the formation of more democratic societies across Europe with an active involvement of their citizens. PFD will involve 630 direct more than 3000 indirect participants.
WARUM MITGLIEDSCHAFT? Denn wir alle könnten eine extra Portion Liebe gebrauchen, und zwar in Form von kostenlosen Workshops, Zugang zu unseren Materliallager, Werkzeugen, Projektraum, online Server-Space, Kombucha- & Pflanzen-babies und, natürlich, guten Karma Punkten und Spendenquittungen:
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