Here you can download the brochure made by Fenja, from FeldFoodForest and Andrea, our 2021-2022 EVS as dissemination work from the Erasmus plus international project we participated.
Next year we are also participating as partners in the second round of this beautiful project about mental health in the social and youth work.
We really hope you make use of it, it was very helpful to realize our weaknesses and to get stronger from there. Resilience is the key.
Please, let us know if you are interested and we can send you further informations.
WARUM MITGLIEDSCHAFT? Denn wir alle könnten eine extra Portion Liebe gebrauchen, und zwar in Form von kostenlosen Workshops, Zugang zu unseren Materliallager, Werkzeugen, Projektraum, online Server-Space, Kombucha- & Pflanzen-babies und, natürlich, guten Karma Punkten und Spendenquittungen:
We appreciate one-time donations and can also issue the receipts for tax-deduction.
Wir freuen uns über einmalige Spenden und können auch die Spendenquittungen ausstellen.
Kulturlabor Trial&Error e.V.
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG
IBAN: DE60 4306 0967 1130 4907 00
GläubigerID: DE29ZZZ00001890947