Kulturlabor Trial & Error e.V. ist Teil des Mašta Magazine Networks. Durch unsere Publikationen teilen wir Arbeits- und Projekterfahrungen, sowie die damit gewonnene Expertise. Da wir an offene Prozesse glauben, steht unsere Arbeit unter creative commons. Alle Links zu unseren Büchern und Publikationen findest du unten. Der Download ist kostenlos und erwünscht! Wir freuen uns natürlich über Spenden.
Kulturlabor Trial & Error e.V. publishes books and is part of the Mašta Magazine network. Through our publications we share the experience of our work and our projects. As we believe in open processes, we licence our work under creative commons. Here you will find links to the online versions of our books which are all free for download. If you wish to support our work, you are welcome to do so!
2017 haben wir begeistert die Ausschreibung “Kurze Wege für den Klimaschutz” des Projektträgers Jülich zur Nationalen Klimaschutzinitiative entdeckt. Das war die Chance als Verein Praktiken der solidarischen Ökonomie - unseren Tauschladen, unser Wissen hinsichtlich klimafreundlichen Handelns im Alltag, unsere Begeisterung für Foodsharing u.v.m.- mit Euch, unseren Nachbar*innen und dem Netzwerk im Rahmen eines vom Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit geförderten Projektes zu teilen. Mit dieser Dokumentation könnt ihr einiges über das Projekt erfahren, was Alltagshandeln mit Klimaschutz zutun hat und vor allem ganz viele tolle Rezepte und Anleitungen kennenlernen, mit denen ihr eigene Dinge umsetzen könnt oder auch sogar einen eigenen Workshop geben könnt. Auf der letzten Seite dieser Broschüre listen wir euch auch nochmal auf, was Ihr bei uns sonst noch so lernen könnt.
Cover picture: Maayan Änavim
Design: Sandra Wiesthal
Text by: Jenny Weber, Juliane Meißner
and Kulturlabor Trial&Error e.V.
The Urban beekeeping guide is the result of a strategic partnership between 4 organisation from hungary, germany, portugal and spain - funded by the erasmus+ program by the european union. The guide is structured in philosophical and conceptual input about the topic, general information about bees, the beekeeping starters handbook and best practices in urban beekeeing.
Learning active citizenship through urban beekeeping -
Let‘s learn deep and flavorful democracy from bees.
Cover picture: Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Design: Sandra Wiesthal
Text by: Rui Cordeiro
Edited by: Judit Varga
Text about urban beekeeping practices by the partner organisations:
and Kulturlabor Trial&Error e.V.
With the little zine you will find out how to start your own Swapshop, which challenges you may face and how you should deal with them.
The toolkit is a joint creative effort of Kulturlabor Trial&Error e. V. collective and friends, who met in the youth workers mobility “Swapping culture: a tool for sustainable youth involvement strategies” in November 2018 in Berlin.
The project was made possible through a grant from ERASMUS+ European Union, from JUGEND für Europa Nationale Agentur Erasmus+ JUGEND IN AKTION.
German - Ukrainian Youth Encounters.
This publication is a compilation of materials presented and created for, during and after the german-ukranian youth encounter “RECLAIM THE CITY: German-Ukrainian youth exchange on participative citizenship and urban activism”, that was curated by Kulturlabor Trial&Error e. V. with financial support of Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future“ (EVZ), the German foreign ministry, as well as Robert Bosch Stiftung and took place in Berlin, Germany from 21 – 30 July 2017 and in Kharkiv, Novogradovka and Dobro- pillya, Ukraine from 31 August – 9 September 2017.
sustainABILITY 2.0 - resources: documentation of a training course
“SustainABILITY- resource management of selforganized youth collectives” is the second edition of international seminars for youth workers to the applicant organisation Kulturlabor
Trial&Error e.V. (Berlin, Germany). SustainABILITY is an attempt to seek for alternative, where such factors as community, motivation, owns needs and expectations, transparency and equality
as well as possibility to engage in all levels of activities in the organisation are playing crucial role. An alternative, where the opinions, skills and dreams of young people matters,
regardless their economical, social or political situation. An alternative, where young people and youth workers can work on the things that matters.
Project brought together 35 youth workers from 8 different countries - Germany, Croatia, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, Ukraine, Latvia and Belarus to participate in 8+2 days training course, that will
take place from 17th till 26th of March, 2017 in Berlin and Brandenburg, Germany.
Project was implemented b y Kulturlabor Trial&Error e.V. (Berlin, Germany)within the framework and with financial support of ERASMUS+ Jugend In Aktion KA1 with number 2016-3-DE04-KA105-014704.
SustainABILITY 1.0 Training course documentation
“SustianABILIY: sustainable management of self-organised youth collectives”
This publication is compilation of materials presented and created for, during and after training course “sustainABILITY - sustainable management of self-organised youth collectives”, that was curated by Kultur-
labor Trial&Error e. V. with financial support of ERASMUS +KA1 mobility project for youth workers and took place in Wernsdorf, Brandenbug, Germany from 21. until 30. of November 2015
Werkzeugkiste - kreative Umweltbildung
Kreative Ansätze für Umweltthemen in der Schule.
Das Kulturlabor Trial&Error e.V. hat das Projekt „Kreative Umweltwerkstätten“ an der Eduard-Mörike-Schule in Neukölln durchgeführt. Inhalt des Projektes:
Entwickeln und Durchführen von Kreativ-Workshops.
(* creative enviromental education in schools*)
cover photo: tau pibernat
design: Sandra Wiesthal
Kreative Umweltwerkstätten - Methodensammlung
Ihr braucht noch mehr Ideen? Dann schaut doch mal in die Methodensammlung rein!
(* more ideas on creative enviromental education*)
design: Sandra Wiesthal
Upcycle it! - A toolkit for creative recycling
A book with practical manuals, background information on different materials and interesting articles! Avaliable in English and in Spanish.
(*Kreatives Recycling auf Englisch und Spanisch*)
design: Sandra Wiesthal
D.I.Y. book about how to transform waste to useful objects, information about waste issues, decisions and exercises. The book is one of the results of the
Trashformers Workshop which took place in Lauchammer 2012.
(* DIY zu Upcycling, inkl. Infos zu verwandten Themen*)
Recycled Creativity Festival Photobook - 2011
The digital version of the handmade photobook of the Recycled Creativity Festival 2011.
(* Digitale version des Fotobuchs zum Recycled Creativity Festival*)
WARUM MITGLIEDSCHAFT? Denn wir alle könnten eine extra Portion Liebe gebrauchen, und zwar in Form von kostenlosen Workshops, Zugang zu unseren Materliallager, Werkzeugen, Projektraum, online Server-Space, Kombucha- & Pflanzen-babies und, natürlich, guten Karma Punkten und Spendenquittungen:
We appreciate one-time donations and can also issue the receipts for tax-deduction.
Wir freuen uns über einmalige Spenden und können auch die Spendenquittungen ausstellen.
Kulturlabor Trial&Error e.V.
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