On 10th of December our team got +1 member for a couple of weeks. Her name is Josefine and she is a lovely girl who came from Sweden to get some practical experience related to her studies. Josefine studies ”Intercultural Entrepreneurship” which mainly is focusing on intercultural communication as well as social entrepreneurship (social change/innovations and sustainable development).
"Due to my interest in minimalistic living, creativity (I write a lot), sharing initiatives and organisations that works with environmental awareness, sustainability and waste minimizing, I think Trial&Error is a fantastic initiative and something I want to contribute to in whatever way that is possible. With that being said, I am still very new into all this so I am hoping to learn from all of you." – Josefine
She spent with us a couple of weeks and she had an opportunity to see all the sides and aspects of our job. Josefine invested all her energy and knowledge to help us in all activities, we really appreciate it! Just before Christmas she left Berlin, however, she's left not only good memories of our cooperation but also a very nice letter about Trial&Error.
We are glad to share it with you!
Tauschladen - a new way of thinking about sharing
If you were asking me a few weeks ago, I was completely mentally exhausted about what was going on in the world. I was (and I am still) worried about the clothing stores that week by week are filled up with clothes produced by someone maybe in Bangladesh, who barely get a wage to live on. These are tough questions that were keeping me awake during the nights. I wish that I could come up with solutions and do something about all of this, but I did not know how. I was stuck in a very black and white way of thinking, where I could not see any possible solutions to of the anxiety I felt at the time. But after spending these few weeks in Berlin together with the team at Trial&Error, I have come to change my mind completely.
“Tauschen macht glücklich” is the slogan of the Tauschladen, or Swapshop that Trial&Error has. The swapshop is constructed as any other clothing store, with clothes laying on the shelves and hanging in the fensters, yet the concept behind it is very different. Firstly, all the clothes in the swapshop is second hand clothes and secondly, they are all for free. The idea with the swapshop is to help people exchange things with one another and at the same time give second thoughts to the consumption culture. Instead of going to a clothing store and buy brand new clothes that causes the environment and people to suffer, you can just swap your clothes with your friends or neighbors. Especially in Berlin, it is common to buy things second hand and I think that is one of the major reasons why the concept of a common swapshop is actually working really well.
The swapshop is a place where people can bring what they have and take what the need, without any restrictions at all. During the opening hours of the swapshop, there are at least as many people leaving clothes in the store as there are people taking. It does not matter if you leave 10 pieces and bring one home again, or vice versa. The people can just put their clothes directly on the shelves without having to say anything and the same if they want to bring something back home, they can put it directly in their own bag and leave. I think such an initiative as the swapshop really shows the beauty of humanity and it builds a community and trust between people. Yet, at the same time it is addressing one of the major problem in society; overconsumption. The swapshop is a real proof that we already have enough and instead of throwing things away, we should really take care of them.
We say THANK YOU Josefine for your work and your special view on our team!
Will be glad to meet you again one day!❤