Call for participants!
Training yourse for youth workers on tools for selforganisation

Kulturlabor Trial&Error is opening call for participants in ERASMUS+ international training course "sustainABILITY: tools for empowerment of self-organised youth groups and collectives" - youth workers from Germany, Latvia, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Ukraine and Belarus are welcome to apply!
The main aim of the project SustainABILITY: tools for empowerment of self-organised youth groups and collectives; is to overcome geographical and economical borders in order to raise the quality of youth work in geographic European space by exploring, evaluating and sharing the tools for youth empowerment through facilitating self-organisation in collective forms. Together with partner organizations, the topics of volunteer management as well as management of financial and informational resources in self-organised collectives has been defined.
All participants selected for this project should meet the following criteria:
- youth workers and members of already established youth collective, which aimed to work with/for community urban or rural) and strive for emancipation of those communities in socio-political, ecological or entrepreneurial domains or, or in process of founding one;
- understand and affiliate non-formal, horizontally organised, independent, locally integrated youth work;
- highly motivated to learn and share about issues tackled in the training course;
- are available for the whole duration of the training;
- are able to follow and contribute to program activities in English.
The training course will take place in Berlin or Brandenburg from 17 th till 26 th of March with arrival day on 17 th of March, program days from 18 th till 25 th of March and departure day on 26 th of March respectively.
The participation is totally free of charge for the participants, all the costs will be covered by the project. Travel costs of international participants will be cover based on the actual expenses up to 275Euro/person. If needed visa and insurance cost will be covered up to 150 Euro/person.
Find more information
If you are based in one of the project partner countries and would like to participate in this training course, please send your application (including filled formular) to Deadline for application is 30 th of January, 2017. The title of email should include the country of origin. Application form is attached here. Applicants will be informed about the acceptance within 2 weeks.