Trial and Error is the host of the Zirkusprojekt Zirkus Schafft Raum or Circul te înaltă- in romanian. I am sure that I speak in the name of the whole team of ZSR, when I write that we were very happy to offer this circus course through the summer. The course lasted from May until August and it was dedicated for the children from Oranienplatz. During these 3 months we offered 20 workshops of cirkus and upcycling for more than 20 participants between the ages 4-14.
The idea to give the joy of cirkus for the kids who live in a challenging social situation came in the autumn of 2020 when I was invited to translate for the romanian kids at an upcycling workshop of Trial and Error. Soon after that I met by coincidence a person who encouraged my idea and helped me to write a grant to Zirkus Macht Stark. The projekt was strongly supported and despite my insecurity in the start as a beginner in projektkoordination, the result was overwhelming and went above my imagination.
I was lucky to have an amazing team of beautiful and devoted people, my friends and dear colleagues. Together we crossed all the challenges and managed to create a valuable projekt- to host space
for the romanian roma children of Oranienplatz where they could experience the freedom of playing, the satisfaction of trying out new things, practising, failing and succeeding. The children were
eager and ready to jump in everything we invited them to try out.
On two occasions we went together with the kids to CABUWAZI Kreuzberg, so the children could also experience training in the atmosphere of a real circus-tent. We had several moments during the
summer when we created stage situations. As a result the children could feel pride for their achievements. We also created an exhibition from the drawings and photos of the kids. Our enthusiastic
participants had a lot of fun, they were grateful and so were we. Our work will continue from September, and hopefully it will be a long term projekt.
Thank you Trial and Error for hosting this beautiful journey.
Big thanks also to Zirkus Macht Stark for the fundings and to our partner organisations- CABUWAZI Kreutzberg band Kotti e.V.
Last but not least I am grateful for the team: Andrei Bach, Konstantin Grimm, Lorena Terzi, Bridget Hinez Peter Bób, Shingo Alin Masuda and Ricardo Valdivia
Greetings, Xenia Baricz