Wir kaufen unser Essen im Supermarkt, zumindest er Großteil von uns. Das 1/3 der Lebensmittel im Müll landen, haben wir schonmal gehört, aber entweder wieder aus unserem Gedächtnis gelöscht oder wir ignorieren es. Was bei Produktion und Lieferung passiert, ignorieren wir auch. Hunger, Genmanipulierte Pflanzen, Waldbrand im Amazonas, Bienensterben, ja - aber was hat das mit unserer Ernährung zu tun?
Nathalia Krauss von Biophilia, hat uns leidenschaftlich all die Verbindungen erklärt und deutlich gemacht, wie wichtig es ist dass wir aktiv werden und niht nur über andere Arten der Lebensmittelbeschaffnugn nachdenken, sondern wirklich etwas ändern! Anbei ein Auszug aus ihrer Arbeit auf englisch:
Food systems in transition: Alternative Food Networks as a pathway to exercise food citizenship
Conventional farming and industrial mass scale food production are part of a productivist agriculture paradigm that is seriously undermining the Earth´s capacity to sustain life in this planet on
the long term. The idea that this agricultural model is the only way to feed the world and that agroecological and local farming systems are an utopia sounds as outdated as those who still
believe that neoliberal thinking can save us from the global economic crisis. Have you ever thought why food is political? Have you ever wondered where was that turning point in which we all
became consumers? Then probably you also end up in that corner where you caught yourself reasoning about the real impact of our food choices as consumers in changing the current food system and
feeling powerless (in spite of the fact that you didn´t forget to vote with your wallet!)…you are also tired of shopping in supermarkets and feeling overwhelmed by its food publicity, but
realizing that they are so widespread that how can we ever go without it? But what if we first of all reject this mindset that makes us think of people as consumers (or producers) and start
seeing each other as…citizens?
With that in mind we can explore different “worlds of food” by analyzing the development of Alternative Food Networks in a variety of contexts and understanding how a change of mindset can allow
us to engage differently with this topic. The emergence of alternative food networks are inspired by people who also understand that the current food problems that our society creates require a
radical shift in the way how we relate not only to nature but also to each other -that it requires a framework of care. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), Farmer´s Markets, Buyers Groups or
Food co-ops are all examples of possible alternatives and also signalize a transition to a new paradigm. It is a turning point in the understanding of our roles in this process, beyond our
individual choice or individual economic power. It´s a pathway to explore how we as citizens can collectively and actively promote the development of more democratic food systems.
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