Hello, dear! Summer is here, with its sunshine, flowers, storms and ice cream. Inable to sit still, Kulturlabor Trial&Errror curious minds has prepared a wonderful program, filled with opportunities to join international projects, where we will be working on topics of upcycling, technology and analogue, environmental protection, waste problematics, reclaiming the public spaces and dealing with social inclusion and arts. We are searching for participants that are currently residents of Germany for the following projects:
1. Baikal cleanup 2017 (Burjatian Republic, Russian Federation) - international youth exchange on upcycling and eivornment
2. Reclaim the Hometown (Germany, Ukraine) - German-(east)Ukrainian exchange about public spaces, creative activism&civil society
3. Technological Upcycling (Italy, France) - youth work, technology & upcycling
4. Art2link (Serbia) - community art, Roma community, social inclusion, youth work
5. start UPCYCLING (Germany) - social enterpreneurship, upcycling, nonformal education
NB! Please check the target group of each activity as well as deadline for application. The deadlines and contacts, where to send the applications are different for every project! Note that some projects have more than 1 activity.
Join us in the adventures!
1. Baikal cleanup 2017 - international youth exchange on upcycling and eivironment
Type: ERASMUS+ youth exchange
Participant profile: 18-25 yrs, residents of Germany, able to communicate in English, passionate about environmental protection, have ideas and experience, good in social media and/or photography
Time&place: 11.-20 August 2017, Russia, Buryatian Republic
Topics: experiencing worlds most unique natural resorts - Baikal lake,cleaning up the sites from garbage, developing ideas for wastefree future, working in international group with young people from Germany, Poland, Georgiya and Russia
Deadline: 9th of June
Contact: ruuta.vimba@trial-error.org
- Call for Participants -
- Application Form -
2. Reclaim the Hometown - German-(east)Ukrainian exchange about public spaces, creative activism&civil society
Type: Meet Up! Deutsch-ukrainische Jugendbegegnungen, Stiftung EVZ
Participant profile: 25-35 yrs, residents of Germany, able to communicate in English, able to participate in BOTH encounters, community activists, NGO workers, good in social media
Time&place: 21.-30.july 2017 in Berlin, Germany and 31.august-9.september 2017 in Ukraine
Topics: exchange, explore and bring in action their ideas, ask questions in public, engage the local communities in social issues. Learn about and try out urban gardening, reclaim the space, creative activism and other concepts. Document them and share in the social media.
Deadline: 9th of June
Contact: reclaimcity@gmail.com
- Call For Participants -
-Participant application form -
3. Technological Upcycling - youth work, technology & upcycling
Type: Erasmus+ youth workers mobility
Participant profile: from 18 yrs, no upper limit, youth worker, experience with upcycling, knowledge of recycled materials, interest in transdisciplinary work with technologies, education & crafts, able to participate in BOTH encounters, community activists, NGO workers
Time&place: Activity 1, Pompei: 01-08 September 2017, Activity 2, Toulouse: 04-08 October 2017
Topics: innovate in youth work by introducing new practices based on the combination of environmental education and technology-based activities,
exchanging on the emergence of digital youth work, sensitizing youth workers to initiatives around DIY and digital culture
Deadline: asap, until all participants found, or latest 30th of June
- Technological - Upcycling - participant - form -
- briefly about the project -
4. Art2link - community art, Roma community, social inclusion, youth work
Type: Erasmus+ Youth workers mobility
Participant profile: from 18 yrs. youth work experience, social worker/artist/activist/
Time&place: Vranje, Serbia, 26.06.-07.07.2017.
Topics: art, visual language, activism, youth work, community work, social inclusion
Deadline: ASAP
Contact: email@trial-error.org
5. start UPCYCLING - social enterpreneurship, upcycling, nonformal education
Type: local Berlin based educational activities & public actions, online course, international online networking in framework ERASMUS+ Capacity Building
Participant profile: 15-25 years, interest and commitment to participate in regular meetings and activities, experience in one of the following - social entrepreneurship, crafts, upcycling, environmental activism, social media
Time&place: Berlin, Juli 2017 - February 2018
Topics: social entrepreneurship, networking, upcycling, environmental awareness, participation in public activities
Deadline: 1st of July 2017
Contact: t.wald@starkmacher.org
Project website - http://startupcycling.