Call for partners!
Kulturlabor Trial&Error e. V. is looking for partner organisations, NGOs from EU and neighbouring countries, to develop an application for ERASMUS+ KA1 mobility for youth workers about tools
for selforganisation and youth collectives!
We cant do that alone - therefore we are looking for partnerorganisations from 6 different countries (+ 1 from Germany), that would participate in preparation, implementation and evaluation of the project - 6+2 days training course in Brandenburg, Germany, sending 4youth workers, burning for project topics, to our training course!
More information - read our Call For Partnerships!
You are interested in the project, please contact us until 23rd of April 2017 by email -
ruuta.vimba@trial-error.org with
topic “TC SustainABILITY3.0” - with PIF and few sentences about Your motivation/ contributions/ expectations&needs from the project. If You know someone, who is the perfect
partner for the project, please do not hesitate to pass it on! We are looking forward to hear from you!
In name of Kulturlabor Trial & Error e.V.,
Ruta, Masha, Ivan & Sabine
Berlin,14th of April 2017